Strive Academics matches students with our expert tutors to provide quality instruction in-person and online for a variety of subjects. Since 2016, we have provided over 4000 hours of instruction in the core subjects and test prep.

In-Person Tutoring
Looking for an in-person tutor? We match you with one of our tutoring experts who will come to your location (or a mutually agreed upon location) for individualized, one-on-one tutoring. Experience the convenience of working with a tutor without having to travel to a tutoring center.

Online Tutoring
Don't need in-person instruction or out of our in-person radius? Tutoring online is a great option! You still get to work with an amazing tutor from the comfort of your home. You'll get access to a greater pool of experts outside your area.

Online Group Tutoring
Strive Academics also offers small group classes in a variety of subjects through Outschool. This can be a great fit if you are looking for additional instruction in a subject but do not feel one on one tutoring is for you. This presents a more affordable option for students where they can attend a live or pre-recorded class with other students.