Become a Private Tutor

Unlock Student Potential

Tutors are independent contractors with their own teaching styles and materials.

Great Pay

Flexible Schedule

Large Client Base

Referral Bonuses


  • Expertise in one or more subject areas.

  • 3.0 GPA minimum.

  • Previous tutoring experience preferred.

  • Self-driven and ability to work independently.

  • Interpersonal skills or customer service experience.

  • Passion for educating and working with students.

  • Ability to adapt to students' needs.

  • Must pass background check.

Job Description

  1. Provide one-on-one tutoring at client's location.

  2. Assess student's skills and develop personalized lesson plans.

  3. Work a minimum of 5 hours per week.

  4. Work with teachers and parents to drive student success.

  5. Motivate students to learn and develop self-motivation.