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Common Literary Devices Students Should Know

What Are Literary Devices?

Literary devices are powerful tools for storytelling. They are techniques that an author uses to convey their message or story. Some common literary devices include similes, metaphors, and personification, but there are so many more ways authors can incorporate literary devices to convey their message. These devices can be used to make a point, add emotion, or create imagery. By using literary devices, authors are able to add depth and interest to their writing.

How Do I Recognize Literary Devices While Reading?

Literary devices can enhance the reading experience by allowing readers to appreciate the artistry of a piece of writing and understand the author’s motives. Recognizing these literary devices helps readers notice nuances and piece together a greater meaning. To identify literary devices, familiarize yourself with as many as possible and practice by reading different works and styles. Eventually, you’ll be able to spot literary devices instinctively without disrupting your enjoyment or focus while reading. Below are some of the most common literary devices students should know.

Common Literary Devices

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